The story begins in 1963, the year in which the company was founded and began developing its line of business in residential complex construction, developing and selling the properties it constructed. It consolidated this line of business in the following years, culminating in the creation of VAPF S.A. with Spanish capital in 1970. The initials stand for the names of the founding partners and head office in Benissa (Alicante).
The first complex built was “El Serrano” in 1964, located in Benissa municipality and comprising 38 single-family dwellings on the coast with fabulous sea views and an architectural style unique in the area. The complex revealed clues about the innovative nature of the company even then, and this innovation was developed and perfected in subsequent projects.
This diversification has enabled us to undertake comprehensive property management; through our associate companies we can offer garden and swimming pool maintenance services, house cleaning, rentals, minor works, welcome packs and interior decoration, always working closely with local companies to promote growth in the municipalities where our new developments are located.
A management model, customer relations and constant innovation in property design which have enabled Grupo VAPF to develop over 14 residential complexes and built over 8000 homes, bought by families from all over the world.